Verb Conjugations - Conjugaison Game (La Conjugaison) Regular French Verb Conjugation Irregular French Verb Conjugation Check out Conjugaison Game for practice:

Struggling With Irregular French Verb Conjugations?

French! Not only a romantic language but also widely spoken. French is spoken in 5 continents and 32 states. There are 300 million French speakers today, and 51 million people are learning French. And you may be one of them. However, did you realize that learning French verb conjugations (la conjugaison) is not easy. Actually, Read more about Struggling With Irregular French Verb Conjugations?[…]

Verb Conjugations - Conjugaison Game (La Conjugaison) Regular French Verb Conjugation Irregular French Verb Conjugation Check out Conjugaison Game for practice:

Struggling With French Verb Conjugations?

French! A romantic language! Poetic while listening. While listening to a French song or watching a French movie or even visiting France, it is mostly impossible not to be impressed. But verb conjugations? La conjugaison! It might be a nightmare when you start learning French. English Verb Conjugations Were Easy When I started learning French Read more about Struggling With French Verb Conjugations?[…]